Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021

Benefits of Coconut Water for Health

The benefits of coconut water are not only to relieve thirst, but also good for body health. Besides being able to overcome the symptoms of mild dehydration, consumption of coconut water can also reduce the risk of heart disease.
Coconut water is often the choice of drinks consumed during hot weather to quench thirst. In addition to its refreshing taste, coconut water also has a variety of benefits that are good for health. In 1 cup or about 240 ml of pure coconut water, there are 46 calories and various nutrients, such as:
• Carbohydrates
• Fiber
• Proteins
• Vitamin C
• Minerals, such as magnesium, potassium and calcium
• Antioxidant
Various Benefits of Coconut Water for Health
In addition to eliminating thirst, coconut water can also provide various benefits for the body. The following are some of the benefits of coconut water that you can get:

1. Increase body stamina
Not only provides a refreshing effect, coconut water can also increase body stamina. This is thanks to the carbohydrate content in coconut water which can be used by the body to produce energy, so you can be more enthusiastic in carrying out activities.

2. Prevent dehydration
Coconut water is also often used to meet the body's fluid needs and overcome mild dehydration. However, you are still advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to prevent dehydration.

3. Maintain endurance
Coconut water contains a variety of antioxidants that can protect the body from exposure to free radicals that cause various diseases. However, the benefits of coconut water still need to be studied further.

4. Reduce the risk of heart disease
Coconut water is believed to have an effect that can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, so that it can reduce the accumulation of fat which is one of the risk factors for heart disease and heart attacks.

5. Prevent kidney stone disease
A study says that coconut water can prevent the buildup of crystals that stick to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract. This makes coconut water believed to be effective for preventing kidney stones.

6. Lowering blood pressure
The benefits of coconut water are thought to be good for lowering and controlling blood pressure. This is because coconut water contains potassium which is proven to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.

However, the benefits of coconut water for lowering blood pressure still require further research.

How to Consume the Right Coconut Water
To get the maximum benefits of coconut water, you should consume pure coconut water obtained directly from coconuts. In addition, you are also advised not to add sugar or artificial sweeteners when consuming it.

If you consume packaged coconut water, make sure the packaging is not damaged and pay attention to the nutritional content in it. Most bottled coconut water is no longer pure and is flavored or added sugar. If consumed in excess, it is certainly not good for health.

You can store packaged coconut water in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. However, when it is opened, immediately consume the packaged coconut water at least within 24 hours.

If you experience complaints after consuming coconut water, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, or diarrhea, consult your complaint or please go to the health center or the nearest hospital or clinic so that an examination and treatment can be carried out.

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2021

Turmeric Benefits For Face

Stress, pollution and bad eating habits have a bad influence on the health of your skin or face, resulting in acne, blemishes, skin aging. To deal with it we often use commercial beauty products, or excessive make-up to hide blemishes on facial skin

However, most beauty products only provide external and temporary beauty. To get naturally beautiful skin, we can use natural ingredients for our skin care. One of these natural ingredients is turmeric. Turmeric turns out to be very useful for skin health, and not just as a cooking spice.

Here are 10 benefits of turmeric for the skin.

1. Acne
Acne is a common problem that is often faced. Bacteria and dirt are clogged in the pores of the skin, and eventually become acne. Turmeric helps heal acne and helps keep the skin clean. Turmeric also controls sebum production.

2. Pigmentation
Hormonal changes, too long exposure to the sun, and too much melanin production, are some of the reasons that cause skin pigmentation. Consistent use of turmeric can help reduce pigmentation

3. Bruises
Children are more prone to bruises and minor cuts. The use of turmeric powder on minor wounds can speed up the wound healing process.

4. Bright skin
Regular use of turmeric can brighten skin tone and make the face look radiant.

5. Burn scars
Turmeric also helps in healing burn scars. Regular use will reduce your burn scars.

6. Stretch Marks or strokes
Stretch marks of course interfere with appearance, especially for young mothers. Applying fresh turmeric on stretch marks will help lighten stretch marks to some extent.

7. Moisturizing
Turmeric is an excellent ingredient for dealing with dry skin. A mixture of turmeric with milk can moisturize dry skin.

8. Skin a little hairy
Light massage of turmeric mixed with milk cream on the skin helps reduce hair on the skin

9. Skin diseases
If you use turmeric regularly, it can help fight serious skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and signs of chickenpox.

10. Aging skin
Turmeric helps delay skin aging, the antioxidants in turmeric play an important role in overcoming skin aging.

How to Use Turmeric for Skin Health

There are several methods of using turmeric for the skin. First, yfyou can mix turmeric with milk. The trick, add a teaspoon of sugar and turmeric in hot milk, stir, then drink. Drink every day.

For use on the skin, you can make a turmeric paste and leave it on for 10 minutes on your face. Gently rub the face and rinse with water. Then you will get supple and soft skin. For dry skin, use the same procedure, but mix turmeric with moisturizing milk. To remove sunburn, use the same procedure. On fresh cuts and bruises use dry turmeric powder for faster healing. Besides turmeric, it turns out that papaya is very good for skin care. good luck..!

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2021

Membandingkan Laporan Hasil Observasi dengan Jenis Teks yang Lain

Perhatikanlah kedua teks di bawah ini. 
Teks I
Sekitar dua ratus pelajar SMA,SMK, dan sederajat, berkumpul di depan kantor PDAM Bandung, Jalan Badaksinga, Minggu (12/8). Setelah melakukan beberapa persiapan, kelompok pelajar ini melakukan pawai melewati Taman Cikapayang, menyusuri Jalan Ir. H. Juanda, menuju Bandung Indah Plaza (BIP).
(Cerdas berbahasa indonesia ).

Teks II
Aduh, hari ini aku harus belajar untuk ujian matematika besok. Pulang sekolah ada janji mau kerja kelompok biologi. Tugas prakarya bahasa Indonesia belum selesai lagi. Bagaimana, nih?

Kalau kamu sering mengalami hal seperti itu,hati-hati,lho. Mungkin kamu punya kebiasaan menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Kalau semua pekerjaan harus dikerjakan dalam waktu yang bersamaan, kamu akan kehabisan napas. Waktu terasa sempit, dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan pun hasilnya tidak optimal. ( Ridho Muhammad Zulkarnaen ).

Kedua teks yang telah Anda baca memilki karakter yang berbeda, bukan? Teks yang pertama menyajikan fakta-fakta tentang adanya suatu peristiwa ataupun kejadian. Sementara itu, teks yang kedua berisi pendapat-pendapat ataupun saran-saran. Teks yang pertama  itulah yang di kategorikan sebagai laporan. Dikategorikan demikian karena di dalamnya tersaji sejumlah fakta yang di peroleh melalui hasil pengamatan. Berdasarkan contoh tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks yang berupa laporan berisikan sejumlah fakta. Sementara itu, teks yang di luar kategori tersebut wujudnya bukan fakta, melainkan hanya berupa pendapat-pendapat atau saran-saran; mungkin pula berupa imajinasi atau sesuatu yang lain.

Pemilihan kata merupakan syarat lain yang harus di perhatikan dalam suatu penyajian laporan. Kata-kata dalam laporan berbeda dengan yang ada pada teks lainnya, misalanya anekdot. Laporan mensyaratkan penggunaan kata yang berbeda dengan yang biasa digunakan dalam karya sastra ataupun kata-kata sehari-hari. Kata-kata dalam laporan harus lugas, terbebas dari makna kias.
  • Makna lugas atau makna denotatif
  • Makna kias atau makna konotasi
Kata-kata yang digunakan dalam laporan harus bersifat apa adanya agar jelas maksudnya. Oleh karena itu, dalam laporan banyak dijumpai defenisi. Maksudnya tidak lain untuk menjelaskan suatu kata atau konsep agar diperoleh keajegan makna dan dapat menghindari kesimpangsiuran maksud antara penulis dengan pembaca. 

Jenis Teks
  • Laporan 
  • Karya sastra
  • Anekdot
Ragam Bahasa
  • Lugas, baku
  • Bahasa sastra, konotatif, ada rekayasa
  • Bahasa sehari-hari
Penulisan laporan tidak bisa lepas dari penggunaan istilah, baik itu istilah yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan observasi maupun dalam bidang penulisan laporan itu sendiri. Dalam kaitannya dengan kegiatan observasi, akan muncul istilah-istilah metodologi, populasi, sampel, asumsi ,   dan sebagainya.  Apabila bidang pembahasannya adalah persoalan kependudukan, akan muncul istilah-istilah seperti natalitas, mortalitas, migrasi, dan angka pengangguran. Sementara itu, apabila pembahasan atau hal yang diobservasi itu berkenaan dengan bidang pendidikan, muncullah istilah siswa, kurikulum, pembelajaran dan sejenisnya.

Pengertian Drama Menurut Para Ahli

Kata Drama berasal dari bahasa yunani Dramoi yang berarti berbuat, berlaku, bertindak, jadi Drama bisa berarti perbuatan atau tindakan. Adapun istilah lain drama berasal dari bahasa perancis dari kata Drame yang di ambil oleh Diderot dan Beaumarchaid untuk menjelaskan lakon-lakon mereka tentang kehidupan kelas menengah. Dalam istilah yang lebih ketak, sebuah drama adalah lakon serius yang menggarap satu masalah yang punya arti penting. Meskipun mungkin berakhir dengan bahagia atau tidak bahagia. Tapi menggunakan tragedi. Bagaimanapun juga, dalam jagat modren, istilah drama sering diperluas sehingga mencakup semua lakon serius, tetmasuk di dalamnya tragedi dan lakon absurd.
Arti pertama dari drama adalah kualitas komunikasi, situasi, action, ( segala yang terlihat di pentas ) yang menimbulkan perhatian, kehebatan, ( axcting ), dan ketegangan pada para pendengar. Arti kedua menurut Moulton Drama adalah hidup yang di lukiskan dengan gerak ( life presented in action ). Arti ketiga drama adalah cerita konflik manusia dalam bentuk dialog yang di proyeksikan pada pentas dengan menggunakan percakapan dan action di hadapan penonton ( audience ).

Pengertian Drama menurut para ahli :
  • Moulton, Drama adalah kisah hidup di gambarkan dalam bentuk gerak ( disajikan langsung dengan tindakan )
  • Balthazar vallhagen, Drama adalah seni yang mengambarkan alam dan sifat manusia dalam gerakan.
  • Ferdinand Brunetierre, Menurut drama harus melahirkan keinginan oleh aksi atau gerakan.
Itulah penjelasan singkat dari pengertian drama menurut para ahli. 

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